
How Do Diabetic Eye Exams Differ From Traditional Eye Exams?

Diabetes is a serious condition that threatens the health of all your body organs. Your eyes are no less in danger of being impacted by the disease. If a doctor diagnoses diabetes, you must at least plan for annual eye exams. It is the best way to protect yourself from blindness caused by illnesses related to diabetes.

Signs Your Child May Have Myopia

Children are more likely to become nearsighted if their parents have myopia. But nearsightedness is on the rise in general, especially in children between the ages of six to 14. Doctors are not sure why, but they believe it is due to lifestyle habits.

What Eye Diseases Are Associated With Aging?

A significant health care problem is vision loss among the elderly. Approximately one in three people in the U.S. have a vision-impairing eye condition by age 65. The aging population in America is increasing rapidly.

Why Pediatric Eye Exams Are Better Than In-school Vision Screenings

Most people do not realize that kids do not always know that they cannot see well. Most of them assume that everyone sees the way they do. Vision screenings can help determine when a child needs to see an eye doctor. However, the screenings do not reveal everything about the child’s vision and eye health. This is where eye exams come in. Pediatric eye exams are comprehensive and conducted in an eye clinic.  

Importance of UV Protection for Eye Health

UV protection is crucial not only for your skin but your eyes too. UV rays also affect the eyes and can cause vision loss in the long term. Hence, you need to take care of your eyes and protect them from the sun using sunglasses. You can also add a wide-brimmed hat for good measure.

June Is Cataract Awareness Month: Recognizing Symptoms and Getting Treatment

Cataracts are one of the most common causes of blindness in the United States. Worldwide, they account for about 42 percent of all cases of blindness. More than 25 percent of Americans have cataracts, according to studies. Therefore, it is vital to recognize the symptoms and understand various treatment measures as you age.

How Does Hypertension Affect the Eyes?

High blood pressure is an illness that systematically compromises the body's organs. It can quietly destroy the body for many years before any noticeable symptoms develop. Unbridled hypertension can lead to poor quality of life, disability, or a fatal stroke or heart attack. 

Common Eye Emergencies and How to Respond

Some eye emergencies like mechanical eye injuries, retinal detachments, and chemical injuries can cause permanent loss of vision. It is paramount that you see a doctor immediately if you suffer from these eye injuries. The regular physician is aware of the different symptoms and can perform an eye exam.

What Causes Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a common eye condition that happens when your tears are unable to produce enough moisture for your eyes. Tears can be insufficient for several reasons. For instance, your eyes may not be producing enough tears, or they produce poor-quality tears. Dry eye results from various issues that interrupt the quality of your tears. Read on to learn more about what causes dry eye.

The Relationship Between Sleep and Eye Health

Most people understand that sleep is ideal for their overall health. What many people do not realize is that there is a relationship between sleep and eye health. Studies have shown that poor eye health, especially having dry eye conditions, can have a relationship with poor sleep. 

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