
How Diabetes Impacts Eyesight

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when your body is not able to process food as energy. Your body does not respond to insulin or produce it. Insulin is a hormone that delivers blood sugar in the form of glucose to the cells in the body.

How Often Do You Need an Eye Exam?

Getting your eyes checked once every year should help you stay in control of the health of your eyes. However, some people may need to have eye exams more than once a year. That is because vision changes with age. Thus, it is vital to stay well informed about your eye health always.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Ortho-k?

Ortho-k is the popular name for orthokeratology, the corneal reshaping therapy. It uses special gas permeable contact lenses that you wear when you are asleep. As you sleep, the lenses gently reshape the front of your cornea.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

This condition arises from complications brought about by diabetes. With time, high blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the body. This damage can extend to the vessels in the retina. 

How Our Vision Changes as We Age

You probably learned from your high school health course that your body stops changing after adolescence. Well, the truth is that your body constantly changes right from birth to old age. Of course, the body changes are not just from a growth perspective but also deterioration. 

Keratoconus: Symptoms and Treatment

Keratoconus is an eye condition that results from the thinning and subsequent bulging out of the cornea. Although the main cause of this condition is still unknown, experts believe that environmental and genetic factors play a significant role. People begin to experience the effects of this condition from the age of 10, and it can continue to develop for many years after that. This condition is very common since experts believe that a tenth of the population has it. 

Dealing With Dry Eye: LipiFlow Treatment

For people with mild, moderate, or severe dry eyes, a new form of treatment is available. Until recently, the treatment for dry eye syndrome typically involved artificial tears or eye drops. Other treatments included dietary supplements, meibomian gland expression, punctual plugs, and warm compresses.

Specialty Contact Lenses to Treat Keratoconus

It's not always clear why some people develop keratoconus. It's an eye disease that occurs when the cornea becomes much thinner and bulges out in a cone-like shape. But experts believe keratoconus is caused by a weakness in the collagen fibers responsible for maintaining the even dome shape of the cornea. When the cornea is affected by keratoconus, the irregular shape impacts the way light is bent. This causes distorted vision. Many patients don't immediately realize they have the condition until their eye doctor picks it up during one of their routine eye exams. The good news is there are several ways to manage keratoconus. The best treatment options are specialty contact lenses, such as:

How to Protect Your Eye Health: May Is Healthy Vision Month

One of the leading causes of disability in the United States is loss of vision. Sadly, an estimated 12 million people aged 40 years old and over suffer from vision impairment. Even if about 93 million adults in the country are at an increased risk of severe vision loss, only half have seen their eye doctor in the past year. The good news is there are multiple ways to protect your eye and vision health. The month of May is devoted to raising awareness about the significance of having a healthy vision. Read on to learn more about how you can observe and raise awareness, not just during Healthy Vision Month.

Children’s Vision Problems Can Be Potentially Misdiagnosed As ADHD

Does your child seem restless and distressed by schoolwork? If so, an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis may be a no-brainer. However, these behaviors might be a result of visual issues. ADHD misdiagnosis can happen since its symptoms can overlap with functional vision problems. 

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