
The natural lens of the human eye is located behind the iris. This lens can become yellow and cloudy with age and years of ultraviolet sun exposure. When the lens develops a cataract vision will become dimmer and night time vision decreases. It is normal for the natural lens to start showing mild signs of cataracts around the age of 65 or older.


Several common types of age-related cataracts develop in the human eye.

  • Nuclear sclerosis refers to the cloudiness and yellowing of the central region of the lens in the eye called the nucleus. Nuclear sclerosis is the most common cataract in the human eye.

  • A cortical cataract begins on the outer edge of the lens with white streaks, commonly called cortical spokes. These spokes increase light scatter and glare.

  • Posterior Cataract is a small opaque or cloudy area on the posterior or back surface of the lens. This cataract can develop rapidly, blurs central vision and near vision and is commonly seen in patients with diabetes.

Your doctor at TMS Eyecare will check for cataracts during a routine eye examination. The cataract will be graded as mild, moderate or severe. Most patients can see well with mild cataracts so your doctor may monitor the progression of your cataract. A referral to an experienced cataract surgeon will be made once your cataract causes a decrease in your functional vision and lifestyle.

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